Leslie David Baker
American actor Leslie David Baker is well recognized for playing "Stanley Hudson" in the popular television series "The Office”. Baker captivated viewers with his unique charisma and amusing humor.
In addition to his iconic role in "The Office”, Baker has appeared in other roles, including "That 70s show", and "Malcom in the Middle”. Baker has not only been an established television actor but has also starred in movies such as "Hard Miles", and "Fallen Stars”.
Appearance Information
Attendance Days: Friday, Saturday & Sunday
Autograph Price: $85
Selfie Price: $85
Combo Price: $130
Prices are subject to change
Guests are subject to cancellation or schedule change, due to prior professional commitments.
Most guests are available for the entire duration of the event, due to some guests having limited availability they may only be available for a portion of the event.